A história do Chevrolet Opala

Em 1966 a GM lança o projeto do primeiro carro brasileiro com a marca Chevrolet, "OPALA". O nome é dado pela fusão de dois produtos da GM no exterior (Opel e Impala).

Após dois anos de expectativa, o Chevrolet Opala é finalmente apresentado ao público brasileiro, no Salão do Automóvel em 1968, precisamente aos vinte dias do mês de novembro. Ele chega em quatro versões, todos quatro portas - Opala com 4 e 6 cilindros e Opala De Luxo também 4 e 6 cilindros, todos excepcionalmente confortáveis para seis pessoas, bancos dianteiros inteiriços, câmbio de três velocidades � frente com alavanca na coluna de direção, painel com poucos instrumentos, amplo porta malas e boa dirigibilidade.

No ano de 1971 surge o Opala cupê, não possuía colunas laterais, o teto puxado para trás e perfil alongado, assim representava uma imagem mais esportiva, de carros compactos. Em seguida desapareceu a versão SS quatro portas, pois pelo aspecto esportivo era favorável sua apresentação em duas portas.

Como opção permanente era oferecido dois tipos de caixa de mudanças: Três velocidades e alavanca na direção, ou quatro velocidades e alavanca no assoalho, onde a segunda opção oferecia maior agilidade, economia de combustível e melhor desempenho, especialmente para os modelos quatro cilindros.

Foi em 1973 que toda linha Opala sofre as primeiras modificações. A que obteve maior resultado foi a da mecânica do 4 cilindros: aumentou-se o diâmetro dos cilindros e reduziu o curso dos pistões. Esse motor recebeu o nome de 151 e apesar da pequena alteração da cilindrada (2474cc), houve um considerável aumento de potência. Também foi introduzido o sistema de transmissão automática, sendo opcional para 6 cilindros, e em 1974 se estendia para os veículos 4 cilindros.

Somente em 1975, o Chevrolet Opala sofre a maior modificação no seu estilo, foram redesenhadas as partes traseiras e dianteiras. O capô recebeu um ressalto central e, para maior segurança, redondos encaixavam-se em molduras quadradas; as lanternas dianteiras foram instaladas na ponta dos pára-lamas; a grade dianteira, pintada em preto fosco, agora apresentava dois frisos horizontais. Instalados na parte traseira, quatro lanternas redondas, as duas internas funcionavam apenas como refletores e seu centro branco como luz de ré. A parte interior também sofreu modificações estilísticas.

A Família continuava a crescer: a perua Caravan chegava ao mercado em 1975. Um projeto iniciado em 1971, apresentado em uma única versão 4 cilindros, a perua Caravan, podia receber opcionais como motor 6 cilindros, transmissão automática, câmbio três ou quatro marchas, direção hidráulica ou outros, � escolha do comprador. Lançou-se simultaneamente, nas versões cupê e quatro portas, o Chevrolet Comodoro que substituiria o Gran Luxo. Intitulado como o carro de maior status da linha, normalmente vinha equipado com motor 6 cilindros de 4.100cc, 184 cv de potência e 4000rpm, carburador de duplo corpo, transmissão manual de quatro marchas (ou automática) e direção hidráulica.

A GMB lançou um carro especial: O cupê 250S, um carro com maior desempenho que satisfez os compradores de modelos esportivos. Sua maior diferença era a preparação efetuada no motor de 6 cilindros, que tinha a relação de compressão aumentada para 8,0:1, comando de válvulas trabalhado e carburação dupla. A potência passou a ser de 153 cv, superior a antiga, desse modo o Opala 250S obtinha a aceleração de 0 a 100Km/h em apenas 10s.

Surgi o Opala em versão básica em duas ou quatro portas de motor 4 cilindros, substituindo os modelos Especial e De Luxo que saia do mercado. O modelo básico estava preparado para aceitar transformações com diferentes opcionais: motor de seis cilindros ou 250S; câmbio de três ou quatro marchas, manual ou automático; e direção hidráulica entre outras modificações. Assim a partir de um modelo básico era possível obter qualquer modelo da linha, desde o antigo Especial até o modelo Comodoro.

Em 1975 os veículos foram equipados ainda com freio a disco nas rodas dianteiras, duplo circuito hidráulico, câmbio de três velocidades na coluna da direção e barra estabilizadora traseira. A mecânica era encontrada em quatro versões: Motor 151básico (4 cilindros, 2474 cc e 90cv); Motor 151 S (4 cilindros, 2474 cc e 98 cv); 250 (6 cilindros, 4098 cc e 148 cv) e 250 S (6 cilindros, 4098 cc e 153 cv).

Manteve-se a produção da linha esportiva mais simples - SS 4 cilindros com motor 151S e SS 6 cilindros com mecânica opcional do 250S, lançado em 1976 para se eternizar na mente dos apaixonados.

Em 1978, apesar de poucas mudanças na linha, a Caravan também ganhou sua versão SS.
Em 1980 é lançado o Diplomata, top de linha, que contava entre outros com direção servo-assistida e condicionador de ar, como item de série. O Diplomata conquista preferência executiva para aqueles que procuravam total conforto sobre rodas.
No ano de 1981, a linha sofre modificações interiores - volante inovado e painel mais atual. Em seguida lança-se a série Silver Star. No ano de 1983 o câmbio de 5 marchas entra no mercado.

As modificações ganham maior impacto deixando o Diplomata com aspecto mais agressivo - 1985. A estética externa do Diplomata ganha largas molduras laterais e faróis auxiliares de longo alcance. Internamente, instrumentos com novo designer e a evolução elétrica para controles dos vidros e retrovisores.

A nova frente, com faróis trapezoidais e lanternas traseiras por toda a largura do veículo é introduzido nos modelos fabricados em 1988, por dentro o volante de três raios escamoteável em sete posições e opcionais inéditos com alarme sonoro para lanternas e faróis quando ligados, controle temporizado dos faróis e luz interna, vidros elétricos com temporizador e ar condicionado com extensão para o banco traseiro (Para o Diplomata SE estes itens eram de série).

O potente motor 250S a gasolina, somente era oferecido sob encomenda e foi substituído por um modelo alemão, câmbio automático de quatro marchas e bloqueio do conversor de torque. A fabricação do fenômeno da industria automobilística é encerrada. O último Opala é fabricado, no dia 16 de abril de 1992, saindo de linha a mais poderosa produção de conforto, durabilidade e potência, motivo evidente que deixa até hoje milhares de admiradores, que mesmo após 13 anos o consideram "O Imbatível".

Texto: Sérgio Luiz - Presidente do Opala Clube de São José dos Campos


Drift com uma BMW M1 em cima de um prédio

A proeza foi realizada em Los Angeles no heliporto de um prédio:

Chevrolet Camaro 2012 edição Transformers 3

A General Motors aproveita o embalo do filme Transformers 3 e lança o Camaro Bumblebee.

O Camaro Transformers Special Edition estará disponível para os norte americanos como um pacote para as versões 2LT e 2SS, com pintura e carroceria do Bumblebee, amarelo com listas em pretas. As rodas de 20 polegadas, em preto, e o logotipo dos AutoBots nas rodas.

No interior, os bancos são em couro preto e com costura amarela, cores também presentes no painel, console central e apoio para o braço, onde também esta o logo dos Autobots.

Na versão 2LT vem com motor 3.6 V6 de 312 cv. Na versão 2SS vem o motor 6.3 V8 de 426 cv.

As encomendas podem ser feitas a partir de Julho. Os primeiros serão entregues em Setembro.

Nova Ranger puxando Locomotiva

A nova geração da Ford Ranger, atração do Salão de Buenos Aires, aberto para o público esta semana (até o dia 26), também é a estrela de um dos vídeos de maior sucesso no YouTube. A picape Ranger, com novo motor 3.2 diesel de cinco cilindros e torque de 470 Nm, aparece rebocando uma locomotiva histórica de 160 toneladas em Victoria, na Austrália. O veículo não sofreu nenhuma modificação para encarar esse desafio.

Uma das picapes médias preferidas em todo o mundo nos últimos 20 anos, a Ford Ranger terá uma nova geração que oferece ainda mais capacidade e desempenho. Além do design moderno, imponente e musculoso, de estilo Kinetic, suas novidades incluem o chassi, as suspensões dianteira e traseira e o sistema de direção, combinados com novas tecnologias inteligentes da Ford.

A nova família de motores entrega ainda mais potência, economia de combustível e capacidade de carga e reboque. É o que o vídeo no YouTube mostra de forma simples e transparente, um desempenho realmente espetacular que só vendo para acreditar.

A cabine da Nova Ranger oferece também um padrão de espaço, silêncio, conforto e tecnologia embarcada que representa um salto de qualidade na categoria. O veículo é um exemplo da nova estratégia de plataformas globais da Ford, reunindo a experiência e os recursos de desenvolvimento da marca em todo o mundo para oferecer um produto único e destinado a ser o melhor da classe em todas as regiões.

Fonte Ford

Veja o quase acidente no Rali da Acrópole

O piloto Mikko Hirvonen escapou a um acidente no Rali da Acrópole por pouco, muito pouco.

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Dança da motinho

A situação não era para ser engraçada, mas não dá para segurar, após um acidente em um campeonato francês de motovelocidade. Onde duas motos envolvidas em um acidente ficaram grudadas e começaram a girar. Veja como foi a ocidente no vídeo abaixo:

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2011 German Future Cars | super speed cars | used cars | cars


Audi R8 Spyder Front Three Quarter Recently, the three German luxury brands carving niche market niche market, but it did not prevent them from paying attention to their own products. But redesinged BMW 5 and 7 series, to ride a new 3-Series. Mercedes-Benz E-Class has a new sedan and possibly the hand wagon and convertible versions trip. And Audi has revised the entire lineup in the middle. Read more to find out about what's in store from Ingolstadt, Munich and Stuttgart.WHAT: 2012 BMW 3-SeriesWHEN: Early 2011When the next generation of BMW 3-Series sometime in 2011, one of the major changes along with updated Sheetmetal (can not expect radical change because the current E90-E46) and new inline all-It turbo unit to replace the current twin-turbo model. Next to the Gran Turismo 5-Series, with the factory the same 300 horsepower and 300 pounds-feet of torque, but the broader range of rpm, and to meet future Sulev Euro 6 emission standards to USA. aspirated I-6 should be provided as well, and there are even rumors I-4. The new 3-series also marks the end of the V-8-powered M3, because the other is expected to return to power supply I-6.

Post Title 2011 German Future Cars | super speed cars | used cars | cars

2011 General Motors Future Cars | super speed cars | used cars | cars


Buick Regal Gs Show Car Side A year ago, General Motors filed for bankruptcy, and installed a revolving door of the office of the CEO. Went to Pontiac and Saturn. Hummer is on its way to the Chinese-owned. Saab remains uncertain and is likely to be eliminated in the near future.A year ago, Nissan and Renault CEO Carlos Ghosn said, "the tough times, you have to watch and adjust the product-development programs, but you can not just stop it. Because when things are back to normal There is nothing to come on the market. The one thing is for sure the future is that people continue to drive. "People are still driving it, and roll off a GM made some very interesting, relevant and well-designed products.Inter alia, that works hard to fill in the blank of the Buick lineup, because it is preparing to launch the much-ballyhooed Chevrolet Volt, and all the more important. Here's the skinny on a significant new product in general, just at the turn of a calendar page.

Post Title 2011 General Motors Future Cars | super speed cars | used cars | cars

2011 Chrysler 300C | super speed cars | used cars |


2011 Chrysler 300C Drivers Side Chrysler is on a mission to upgrade the line speeds up from birth, from bankruptcy last year, Chrysler 300C is one of the most significant cars in the group indexed refreshing. Almost ready to launch its 2011 models, new Chrysler 300C explored recently by our photographers to send in demo form. Quite honestly to the public for the first time, we can finally see the small details that distinguish the new century.Changes, as expected, are mostly 300C end of 2011, with the same midsection we're seeing, because the application of the car early last decade. New releases kick off Chrysler emblem, the winged symbol of a long and streamlined in relation to the current object. The look is very chic. New projector-beam headlights were redesigned and improved LED lighting strips, but the front grille and bumpers, as well as Chrysler styling department. Rectangular air vents in the front are chrome-trimmed house and a new round foglights. While the cover is lifted, the median larger and bold vision more rounded.Come back, tail light design is the most obvious change for both refurbished and decorated with chrome trim accents running down the middle and around the perimeter. chrome tail lights are also the same bridge that leads from his position at the top of a redesigned rear bumper and dual exhaust tips. The trunklid incorporate new tab subtly curved element in improving sports and restyled 300C badge.Although the style of 2011 Chrysler 300C can finally be revealed in us, but we can only imagine the rest of the changes. We know that the car is, like most Chrysler lineup for 2011, received Star Pent new 3.6-liter V-6 engine, but in order to gain power, is still in the air. Furthermore, we expect the 5.7-liter Hemi V-8 will be optional, but what that change may have gotten to be determined. It is the SRT8 version make a comeback, possibly with the new Dodge Challenger 470 hp, 392 cubic inch Hemi V-8? Stay tuned to Motor Trend for the answers.

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2011 Chrysler 300C | super speed cars | used cars |

Hyundai Sonata Wagon Spied | super speed cars | used cars


Hyundai Sonata Wagon Spyshot Front View Hyundai i40 Wagon, Sonata first production test, in southern Europe at this time seemed to go on is what we version the second sample.This is evident from a sports car prototype hybrid sedan Sonata day running at the beginning of LED lighting. Even less than that of hybrid sedan is known for heavy dashes.Think a four door and windows with front headlights, chrome bar to the way the transfer wagon was removed. Heavy coating back of our plan to see a lot of stops, because a Hyundai sedan on the car scene through the area, but tried to inject more dependence. With Sonata in cockpit design looks like a U.S. spec.We say we believe the U.S. can not Sonata wagon do not want to, but it is not that we did not already understand that Lexus and Hyundai as a competitor Mustang beater. Besides all that, the sound of Korean car models are more versions Sonata lineup, is possible. U.S. car Sonata, Elantra drivers to visit a good upgrade if indeed. (hyundai sonata wagon)

Post Title Hyundai Sonata Wagon Spied | super speed cars | used cars

2011 Aston Martin Cygnet | super speed cars | used cars


2011 Aston Martin Cygnet news, pictures, and information
Innovation, Luxury and Individuality
• Aston Martin Cygnet to become a production reality in 2011
• Designed and built at Aston Martin's Gaydon headquarters
• An Aston Martin tailor fit solution for the city offering luxury and individuality
Gaydon, 11 October 2010 - Aston Martin is pleased to confirm that the Cygnet luxury city car – originally shown as a concept car in March - is to go into production in 2011 at the company's Gaydon headquarters in Warwickshire.
The Aston Martin Cygnet is a city car that sets a new benchmark for compact luxury, building upon nearly a century of experience building high performance sports cars, luxurious long-range grand tourers, and extremely competitive racing machines.
Cygnet demonstrates Aston Martin's commitment to innovation and integrity.
'It is time to think differently. Aston Martin is honest and we don't make compromises' says Aston Martin CEO Dr Úlrich Bez.
'Whatever we do, we do right. If we do performance, we do performance; we don't downsize or compromise our sports cars. The Cygnet needs to satisfy the demands of emissions and space. It is a car without compromise, just like every other Aston Martin.
'Our customers need a small car for urban and city use, and they want the right tools for the right job, to downsize creatively without compromising intelligence, artistry and personality.'
Cygnet expresses a simple but fundamental idea: in the modern city, scale equates to speed and freedom. At just three metres long, the Cygnet gives the driver a new dimension of freedom, able to slot into gaps in traffic, exploit the smallest parking spaces, consume the least fuel and emit the lowest emissions, all while delivering exceptional levels of quality and comfort.
'Cygnet is small but luxurious, an Aston Martin tailor fit for the city,' says Marek Reichman, Aston Martin's Director of Design. With an almost unlimited palette of materials, colours and textures, each hand-finished Cygnet will be truly unique, a personalised space within the city. 'Luxury is not constrained by scale.'
Cygnet is a product of Aston Martin's unrivalled experience in craft, technology and design. The future city will present a very different luxury brand landscape, as social change and legislation increases the division between urban and anti-urban product categories. With the Cygnet, Aston Martin will be at the forefront of these changes, ensuring the company's enduring brand image will continue to prosper in new market conditions.
Dr Úlrich Bez continues: 'The Cygnet is designed to support our sports cars by providing a greater degree of freedom in the urban context; it is a very special car, a premium but compact package with heart, soul and personality.'
The Cygnet, a tailor fit solution for the city, will help drive Aston Martin into the future. 'This car is reality; Cygnet is the natural choice for those who want a premium, bespoke commuter car.'
Further details on the Aston Martin Cygnet including pricing and specification will be announced later this year. The Cygnet will be the eighth major production car Aston Martin has introduced at its state-of-the art factory since 2004, offering further evidence of the company's ongoing commitment to British manufacturing, backed-up by a dedicated local workforce and supplier network.

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2011 Aston Martin Cygnet | super speed cars | used cars

2011 Chevrolet Camaro convertible | super speed cars | used cars


2011 Chevrolet Camaro Convertible Image 2011 Chevrolet Camaro convertible, news, photos and information • Sales for February 2011• top fabric of good quality• acoustic headliner for calm and easy to use single bolt• sturdy reinforced structure provides the sport coupe like driving experience• good torsional rigidity than the BMW 3 Series ConvertibleLOS ANGELES - The Chevrolet Camaro § egmènt leader opens a new chapter, like the 2011 Camaro convertible premiere at Los Angeles International Auto Show. new convertible into production in January and February sales continues. This includes expanding the body structure and mechanism of well made up - a combination designed to provide a sports coupe driving fun and friendly exact quality."Open the start of the new Camaro convertible design and implementation of a new range of potential customers," said Chris Perry, vice president of marketing for Chevrolet. Revival of the Century '21 Camaro is very popular, so it is natural to expand the product range and increase the new directions'That the convertible will be offered as a model Camaro coupe configurations. Standard model will have a direct injection of 312 horsepower, V-6 engine delivering 29 mpg highway. That SS model to represent the 6.2-liter V-8 engine produces 426 horsepower. six-speed manual transmission is standard with the required six-speed automatic.Camaro U.S. authorities withdrew the § egmènt sale with the original coupe model, which began in the spring of 2009 as a 2010 model. The right to purchase one of the first convertible Barret-Jackson auction recently sold for $ 205,000, all proceeds are donated to charity. The Neiman Marcus Edition 2011 Camaro convertible a group of 100 exceptional cars custom-designed elements and the price is $ 75,000 each were sold in just three minutes.Delivery of the Camaro convertible, with great sophistication, uncompromising driving dynamics as a coupe. Its advanced body structure, helps to prevent the monastery § teering wheel or agitation, as a strong, feel safe in any driving condition. It has a flat top, perfect fit with the foam acoustic headliner, which helps with the act of adding a leisurely stroll.Camaro convertible offers 1LT/2LT (V-6) and 1SS/2SS (V-8) trim packages and prices MSRP $ 30,000 (including $ 850 down). foreign production of nine colors are available, and the tops are offered in black or brown. Rear Parking Assist series of all convertible models.Strong structureThat the Camaro has been developed to accommodate convertible model architecture, which means that customers enjoy the pleasure of top-down cruising with the coupe as driving dynamics. Four strategic reinforcements to increase the already stiff body structure to eliminate the evils of the monastery convertible, and § teering wheel shaking. These include:- A tower-supporting tower under the hood - A transmission reinforcement brace support - Tunnel underbody braces - Front and rear underbody of the "V" braces. "Our goal was to make development with the coupé cabriolet, as much as possible ride quality, handling and performance of work in general," said Al Oppenheiser, Camaro Chief Engineer.By dint of telling Camaro convertible, as was demonstrated by its development of the suspensions, in particular, the lack of change between coupe and convertible models."To compensate for the reduced structure of the open car, the engineers often make the suspension softer, making it convertible boulevard cruiser," said Oppenheiser. "Instead, we took the more difficult, but a better way to strengthen the structure, rather than soften the suspension. We do not change the propeller, compass or spring rate Camaro coupe '.The obvious result is a convertible that maintains almost all the benefits of acceleration, road holding and the ability to Camaro coupe.additional security for structural reinforcements are designed to improve the characteristics of noise and vibration, while contributing to the elimination of Monaco / § teering wheel shaking. These include hydrofromed tube-pillars to strengthen the internal front bracket is subject to, and reinforced pillar reinforcements in the rocker.Structural changes of the Camaro convertible body with high torsional rigidity and bending than its closest competitor, and better torsional rigidity than the BMW 3-Series convertible.Exclusive enamel topIn principle, the designers and engineers try to eliminate the appearance of common support between convertible koghoskrnerid best and have mixed success with the knuckles of those of aluminum, as well as the expansion of the top material is below the belt line and on the revision of the seam lines. The result is clear, high quality, appearance smooth, clean and carefully tailored, which also keeps the roof line is sleek coupe.Power-folding top retracts about 20 seconds. E 'was built in cooperation with the manufacturer, as the Corvette convertible top, and it works in this way. This means that folds simple 'Z' model with and without a single, convenient knob in the center front of the header. Other convertible models still offer this egmènt § hood stops, forcing the pilots in the hands of two long-term operations throughout the car.When closed to an open position and pushing a button lowers windows and turn on the top. No vehicle is parked for the above to be activated, which promote lower-of-the-moment, while stopped at traffic lights.Best is thick, durable canvas and features acoustic headliner, providing a peaceful environment, coupes such as swimming, when the top is closed. It also includes a glass rear window defogger and rear window.A folding a piece tonneau cover, standard on 2LT and 2SS models, optional on 1LT/1SS. It includes a folded over the top for looks. windscreen accessories are available at Chevrolet dealerships. Installs behind the front seats to reduce the buffeting wind, when riding with the top down.More detailsA myriad of fine details distinguish the Camaro cabriolet models, including:• 'OnStar / XM / AM-FM radio antenna is moved to the hood Lithuanian models without the RS package• The radio antenna is integrated into the rear spoiler on the RS-equipped SS models and Lithuanian• trunk piston 'block is moved to the area of the back seat for a clean look• a new subwoofer in the trunk design between the rear seats.Given that the combined OnStar / XM / AM-FM radio antenna is mounted on the roof and coupe models had to be moved freely convertible. The RS-equipped models and Lithuanian SS models, including a rear spoiler, shark fin "'OnStar / XM antenna is mounted on the hood, and AM / FM radio antenna is hidden inside the rear spoiler. This design patent pending creates a more subtle. For models without rear spoiler Lithuanian (without the RS package), along with the antenna at the center of the hood.That the transfer to the piston locking trunk looks clean Camaro convertible, from panel between the taillights reasonable area between the rear seat back cushion and the driver's side inner panel. The amendment will retain full access to the locked trunk with the remote keyless entry fob also has easy access to trunk.Finally, subwoofer - or eight-inch unit with basic audio system, or 10-inch subwoofer sound system with Boston - a move the trunk in a space between the rear seat cushions.RunLithuanian Camaro convertible models are offered in a 3.6-liter direct injection (DI), V-6, which provides more power through increased efficiency, while maintaining fuel economy and reducing emissions - including the decline of 25% of cold-start hydrocarbon emissions of greenhouse gases. E 'rated at 312 horsepower (232 kW) and 278 Nm of torque (370 nm). fuel economy peak with direct fuel injection, the V-6 29 miles per gallon on the highway.Two 6.2-liter V-8 engine in the Camaro SS models, including, L99 and LS3 equipped automatic vehicle models equipped manual. Both engines are derived from the LS3 debuted on the 2008 Corvette, the aluminum block (with cast iron piston rods) and the aluminum piston heads. Power for the L99 to 400 (298 kW) and torque to 410 Nm (556 nm). LS3 that develops 426 horsepower (318 kW) and 420 Nm (569 nm).The L99 offers fuel saving Active Fuel Management System, which keeps the fuel close to half the engine's cylinders during certain driving conditions, light load, such as highway cruising.All models can be equipped Camaro or six-speed manual or six-speed automatic transmission. (Posted on conceptcarz.com) AY6 the Aisin six-speed manual standard with the 3.6L engine and Hydra-Matic 6L50 six-speed automatic is optional. A Tremec TR 6060 six-speed manual is standard, SS, and Hydra-Matic 6L80 six-speed automatic is optional.

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2011 Chevrolet Camaro convertible | super speed cars | used cars

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